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Imagenet SOTA Models 20210331

» Image

  • Imagenet SOTA 20210331
1 Meta Pseudo Labels(EfficientNet-L2) 90.2% 98.8% 480M O google Meta Pseudo Labels 2021
2 Meta Pseudo Labels(EfficientNet-B6-Wide) 90% 98.7% 390M O google Meta Pseudo Labels 2021
3 NFNet-F4+ 89.2% - 527M O deepmind High-Performance Large-Scale Image Recognition Without Normalization 2021
4 ALIGN(EfficientNet-L2) 88.64% 98.67% 480M O google Scaling Up Visual and Vision-Language Representation Learning With Noisy Text Supervision 2021
5 EfficientNet-L2-475(SAM) 88.61%   480M O google Sharpness-Aware Minimization for Efficiently Improving Generalization 2020
6 ViT-H/14 88.55%   632M O google An Image is Worth 16x16 Words: Transformers for Image Recognition at Scale 2020
7 FixEfficientNet-L2 88.5% 98.7% 480M O facebook Fixing the train-test resolution discrepancy: FixEfficientNet 2020
8 NoisyStudent(EfficientNet-L2) 88.4% 98.7% 480M O google Self-training with Noisy Student improves ImageNet classification 2020
9 ViT-L/16 87.76%   307M O google An Image is Worth 16x16 Words: Transformers for Image Recognition at Scale 2020
10 BiT-L(ResNet) 87.54% 98.46% - O google Big Transfer (BiT): General Visual Representation Learning 2019
11 FixEfficientNet-B7 87.1% 98.2% 66M O    
12 NoisyStudent(EfficientNet-B7) 86.9% 98.1% 66M O    
13 FixEfficientNet-B6 86.7% 98.0% 43M O    
14 NFNet-F6 w/ SAM 86.5% 97.9% 438.4M X    
15 FixResNeXt-101 32x48d 86.4% 98.0% 829M O    
16 NoisyStudent(EfficientNet-B6) 86.4% 97.9% 43M O    
17 FixEfficientNet-B5 86.4% 97.9% 30M O    
18 Swin-L(384 res, ImageNet-22k pretrain) 86.4%     O Microsoft Swin Transformer: Hierarchical Vision Transformer using Shifted Windows 202103
19 NFNet-F5 w/ SAM 86.3% 377.2M X      
20 NoisyStudent(EfficientNet-B5) 86.1% 97.8% 30M O    

  • 2103 ResNet-RS google, sota는 아니지만 속도 개선, no extra data
    Revisiting ResNets: Improved Training and Scaling Strategies https://arxiv.org/pdf/2103.07579.pdf
    ResNet-RS는 EfficientNets보다 1.7 배-2.7 배 빠르면서 ImageNet에서 비슷한 정확도를 달성.
    대규모 준지도 학습에서 ResNet-RS는 EfficientNet NoisyStudent보다 4.7 배 빠르면서 86.2 % top-1 ImageNet 정확도 달성
    image resolution
    ResNet-RS-420 (320 image res) 84.4% 192M
    ResNet-RS-350 (320 image res) 84.2%
    ResNet-RS-350 (256 image res) 84% 164M
    ResNet-RS-270 (256 image res) 83.8% 130M
    ResNet-RS-152 (256 image res) 83%
    ResNet-RS-152 (192 image res) 82% 87M
    ResNet-RS-101 (160 image res) 80.3% 64M
    ResNet-RS-50 (160 image res) 78.8% 36M
    Model RS-350 ENet-B6 RS-420 ENet-B7
    Resolution 256 528 320 600
    Top-1 Acc. 84.0 84.0 84.4 84.7
    Params (M) 164 43(3.8x) 192 66 (2.9x)
    FLOPs (B) 69 38(1.8x) 128 74 (1.7x)
    Latency (s) 1.1 3.0(2.7x) 2.1 6.0 (2.9x)
    Memory (GB) 7.3 16.6(2.3x) 15.5 28.3 (1.8x)
    Latency (s) 4.7 15.7 (3.3x) 10.2 29.9 (2.8x)
    Semi-Supervised Learning with ResNet-RS
    Model V100 (s) TPUv3 (ms) Top-1
    EfficientNet-B5 8.16 1510 86.1
    ResNet-RS-152 1.48 (5.5x) 320 (4.7x) 86.2

  • 2003/2101v3 Meta Pseudo Labels(EfficientNet-L2) google 90.2% 480M
    Meta Pseudo Labels (EfficientNet-B6-Wide) 90% 390M
    * 첫버전(2003)에서는 달성율 없고 v3(2101)에서 SOTA 달성

  • 2102 NFNet-F4+ deepmind 89.2% 512M
    High-Performance Large-Scale Image Recognition Without Normalization

  • 2102 ALIGN(EfficientNet-L2) google 88.64% 480M
    Scaling Up Visual and Vision-Language Representation Learning With Noisy Text Supervision 2021

  • 2010 EfficientNet-L2-475(SAM) google 88.64% 480M
    Sharpness-Aware Minimization for Efficiently Improving Generalization

  • 2010 Vision Transformer (ViT-H) google 88.55% 632M, 300M labeled JFT(extra data)
    An Image is Worth 16x16 Words: Transformers for Image Recognition at Scale

  • 2012 DeiT-B 384 facebook 85.2% 87M (no extra data)
    Training data-efficient image transformers & distillation through attention

    FixEfficientNet(B7) 87.1% 66M
    FixEfficientNet(B6) 86.7% 43M
    FixEfficientNet(B5) 86.4% 30M
    FixEfficientNet(B4) 85.9% 19M
    FixEfficientNet(B3) 85% 12M
    FixEfficientNet(B2) 83.6% 9.2M
    FixEfficientNet(B1) 82.6% 7.8M
    FixEfficientNet(B0) 80.2% 5.3M
  • 1911 NoisyStudent(EfficientNet-L2) google 88.4% 480M
    NoisyStudent(EfficientNet-B7) 86.9% 66M
    NoisyStudent(EfficientNet-B6) 86.4% 43M
    NoisyStudent(EfficientNet-B5) 86.1% 30M
    NoisyStudent(EfficientNet-B4) 85.3% 19M
    NoisyStudent(EfficientNet-B3) 84.1% 12M
    NoisyStudent(EfficientNet-B2) 82.4% 9.2M
    NoisyStudent(EfficientNet-B1) 81.5% 7.8M
    NoisyStudent(EfficientNet-B0) 78.8% 5.3M
  • 1905 EfficientNet-B7 google 84.4% 66M
    EfficientNet-B6 84% 43M
    EfficientNet-B5 83.3% 30M
    EfficientNet-B4 82.6% 19M
    EfficientNet-B3 81.1% 12M
    EfficientNet-B2 79.8% 9.2M
    EfficientNet-B1 78.8% 7.8M
    EfficientNet-B0 76.3% 5.3M

  • Meta Pseudo Labels 논문에서 발췌
    Method Params ExtraData ImageNetTop-1 Top-5 ImageNet-ReaL
    ResNet-50 26M − 76.0 93.0 82.94
    ResNet-152 60M − 77.8 93.8 84.79
    DenseNet-264 34M − 77.9 93.9 −
    Inception-v3 24M − 78.8 94.4 83.58
    Xception 23M − 79.0 94.5 −
    Inception-v4 48M − 80.0 95.0 −
    Inception-resnet-v2 56M − 80.1 95.1 −
    ResNeXt-101 84M − 80.9 95.6 85.18
    PolyNet 92M − 81.3 95.8 −
    SENet 146M − 82.7 96.2 −
    NASNet-A 89M − 82.7 96.2 82.56
    AmoebaNet-A 87M − 82.8 96.1 −
    PNASNet 86M − 82.9 96.2 −
    AmoebaNet-C + AutoAugment 155M − 83.5 96.5 −
    GPipe 557M − 84.3 97.0 −
    EfficientNet-B7 66M − 85.0 97.2 −
    EfficientNet-B7 + FixRes 66M − 85.3 97.4 −
    EfficientNet-L2 480M − 85.5 97.5
    extra data 사용
    ResNet-50 Billion-scale SSL 26M 3.5B labeled Instagram 81.2 96.0 −
    ResNeXt-101 Billion-scale SSL 193M 3.5B labeled Instagram 84.8 − −
    ResNeXt-101 WSL 829M 3.5B labeled Instagram 85.4 97.6 88.19
    FixRes ResNeXt-101 WSL 829M 3.5B labeled Instagram 86.4 98.0 89.73
    Big Transfer (BiT-L) 928M 300M labeled JFT 87.5 98.5 90.54
    Noisy Student (EfficientNet-L2) 480M 300M unlabeled JFT 88.4 98.7 90.55
    Noisy Student + FixRes 480M 300M unlabeled JFT 88.5 98.7 −
    Vision Transformer (ViT-H) 632M 300M labeled JFT 88.55 − 90.72
    EfficientNet-L2-NoisyStudent + SAM 480M 300M unlabeled JFT 88.6 98.6
    Meta Pseudo Labels (EfficientNet-B6-Wide) 390M 300M unlabeled JFT 90.0 98.7 91.12
    Meta Pseudo Labels (EfficientNet-L2) 480M 300M unlabeled JFT 90.2 98.8 91.02

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