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AI Speech to Text Research & Developement

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2018 AI-STT

  • 2018 목소리 인식 Speech To Text AI 개발(솔루션 개발)

Speech Recognition Study and Codes

O speech_resnet_pytorch - my test code

O Jasper Pytorch + Specaugment (nvidia) 2019 https://github.com/NVIDIA/DeepLearningExamples/tree/master/PyTorch/SpeechRecognition/Jasper

O OpenSeq2Seq(nvidia) : OpenSeq2Seq is a TensorFlow-based toolkit for sequence-to-sequence models (nvidia) speech recognition?(DeepSpeech2, Wave2Letter, Jasper, …) language model?(LSTM, …) speech commands?(RN-50, Jasper) speech synthesis(합성)?(Tacotron2, WaveNet…) machine translation?(GNMT, Transformer, ConvS2S, …) sentiment analysis?(SST, IMDB, …) image classification?(ResNet-50)

https://nvidia.github.io/OpenSeq2Seq/html/speech-recognition.html https://github.com/NVIDIA/OpenSeq2Seq

O ESPnet: end-to-end speech processing toolkit

https://github.com/espnet/espnet CTC-Attention STT TTS

O LAS + Specaugment

https://github.com/DemisEom/SpecAugment A Implementation of SpecAugment with Tensorflow & Pytorch

https://github.com/KimJeongSun/SpecAugment_numpy_scipy SpecAugment with numpy & scipy, 100 time faster than using tensorflow

https://github.com/Alexander-H-Liu/End-to-end-ASR-Pytorch Listen, Attend and Spell - PyTorch Implementation + LM

O PyTorch Implementations for End-to-End Automatic Speech Recognition RNN-T


O links

-AI hackerton 2019 (naver) STT Basecode : Sequence-to Sequence & Attention https://github.com/clovaai/speech_hackathon_2019

-Pytorch Tutorials : Sequence to Sequence Attention Translation https://9bow.github.io/PyTorch-tutorials-kr-0.3.1/intermediate/seq2seq_translation_tutorial.html

-deepspeech.pytorch : Implementation of DeepSpeech2 for PyTorch. https://github.com/SeanNaren/deepspeech.pytorch

-deepspeech2 korea pytorch base deepspeech.pytorch https://github.com/homink/deepspeech.pytorch.ko

-MXNet implementation of RNN Transducer (Graves 2012): Sequence Transduction with Recurrent Neural Networks RNN-T https://github.com/HawkAaron/RNN-Transducer

-Fully Convolutional Speech Recognition 201812 2019 Apr FacebookAI Neil Zeghidour wav2letter++ https://github.com/facebookresearch/wav2letter

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